Thursday, February 10, 2011


There are quite a few webpages and videos out there right now that are at least a little relevant to LCRV birding, so I'd like to share some here.

For anyone looking for information on birding the LCRV, there is quite a bit out there!  Mark Stevenson wrote an excellent article, mainly on where to bird the valley.  For the average birder making a one- or two-day trip, this is the best source of info - read it here.  Of course, most birders coming through the area are seeking some known rarity.  For information on current rarities, David and I maintain a Google map.  I also maintain a Google map for birding locations in western Arizona, currently just Mohave County, that has a bunch of sites for the birder who wants to try something new or different - check it out here.

Arizona Highways ran a very cool segment on the Bill Williams River.  It has a bit of the history of the area, what to do there, shows some beautiful scenery, and features local birder John West!

Of more general birding interest, I wanted to share this article.  It's by Oregonian Dave Irons, on the lost art of written bird descriptions.  I highly recommend reading it and practicing the tips given by Dave...I know I am always trying to improve my written descriptions!  One paragraph in particular was quite poignant...
No one but you can truly know what you saw or determine what you get to count on your own life list. The purpose of collecting written documentations is so that they can be archived for future generations. In my view, an unaccepted report is just as valid as one that has been accepted. In each case, the only thing we know for sure is that a particular time and place the reporting observer believed that they saw a particular species of bird and was confident enough in their observation that they reported it to others. Whether the local field notes editor or your regional records committee decides that your description is sufficient to endorse and further publish is a completely different matter.
 Last but not least, bird blogger Laura Kammermeier has been busy making the funniest birding videos I've ever seen!  Check out "I Saw a Rare Bird", "There It Is. Over There!", and "Let's Get Our Larophilia On, Shall We?"

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